University of Connecticut

  • main landi lab space


The University of Connecticut (UCONN) Department of Psychology is one of the premier public Psychology departments in the nation. The Psychology Department has a strong reading and language learning/dynamics focus, which has been recently enhanced by the IGERT program, the new center for Brain and Cognitive Sciences and the new Brain Imaging Research Center. Dr. Landi directs one of the shared EEG/MRI labs at UCONN, housed in the Bousfield Psychology building. This lab includes an impressive computer cluster for data analysis of EEG/ERP data using both the NetStation analysis system for Electrical Geodesics Inc.(EGI) data and the BrainProducts Analyzer system. In parallel to the Haskins site, an Eyelink 1000 (SR Research) is available. Finally, multiple computers running fMRI analyses, including programs such as AFNI and Freesurfer, are in current use.