New England Research on Dyslexia (NERDY) Society Meeting

The 3rd annual meeting of the New England Research on Dyslexia (NERDY) Society will be held on October 21st, 2017, at the University of Connecticut.

he New England Research Group on Dyslexia is an interdisciplinary community of researchers, educators, clinicians, and policy experts, whose work aims at elucidating the biological, including psychological, and social underpinnings of Developmental Dyslexia and related disorders with the objective of improving prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment/intervention and social support (including legal, political, and public health) associated with this learning disability.

The NERDY community draws broadly from different academic settings (schools, universities, research institutes) in New England to bring together scholars with a common commitment both to empirical research and to multidisciplinary dialogue.

Visit the NERDY website for more information on the meeting!